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Deanna Van Schagen 


What a joy to have Peter Johnston working at Quincy Point Congregational Church.  We certainly are blessed! It is easy to forget that he is a student on his journey to Ordination.  As we work our way through the lists in the Marks of Readiness for Ordination, it is easy to see that Peter has many, many check marks to his credit. 



During this last year, Peter has brought new life to our congregation through his innovative sermons often sharing some very personal stories that relate his love of God and the effect the Holy Spirit has in his life.   He is much more at ease in leading worship; he has developed his own style for Communion, yet staying well within the bounds of our churches traditions. During the absence of our Pastor, Peter was very conscientious of continuing programs as they had been put in place.  He worked very closely with the Diaconate so that all was seamless as we continued on. God is good.



Peter is getting to know the congregation.  There are several who have come to him with concerns, and he seems very comfortable and confident in this role.  A fine example of this is:  A woman in our congregation had expressed concern about having to go alone to have her dog put down.  Peter told her to call him, and he would go with her when the time came.  She called one morning, and Peter was on his way to being with her. He is very caring and has an understanding of the needs of others.


With all of the background and expertise that Peter has in so many areas I know, it is difficult at times to let others in those positions “do it” their way.  We have talked about this, and he is handling it well.  He certainly has the ability to appreciate others for their talents and gifts. 



Peter's abilities abound.  There is no end to his ideas and imagination.  He is well aware that we, in committees, can do only a mere portion of what he has going on in his head.  He is learning to be patient with himself. He is already very patient with others.

We look forward to having Peter with us during the transition from Rev. Ann’s retirement to calling an interim pastor and beyond. Speaking for the Discernment Team at Quincy Point we are thrilled and thankful to our God that Peter has taken us with him on this part of his journey to Ordination.  Thanks be to God.



Deanna is the moderator of the Quincy Point Congregational UCC. 


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